Tessa Hill
Board Member, President of Kids for Saving Earth
Motivated by the loss of her 11 year-old son and her husband to cancer, Tessa Hill founded and serves as President of Kids for Saving Earth. A founding board member of Healthy Child Healthy World, she has worked to protect the Earth and its children. Tessa is also is a board member of Beyond Pesticides, a Community Partner with The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and served on federal advisory board for the EPA’s Children’s Health Office.
“Clinton was 11 when he died. I don’t know for sure if pesticides caused his death. Many scientific studies suggest a link between pesticides and brain cancer. I do know that it isn’t worth taking a chance with toxic bug control methods. There are many safe ways to eradicate pests, including lice. I used boric acid to beat back a roach infestation at our beach house; it worked beautifully and didn’t contaminate the property. I refuse to use standard mosquito sprays or flea treatments that contain cancer-causing chemicals.
Before he died, Clint wanted to start a club to teach kids and parents about environmental issues. Kids for Saving Earth (kidsforsavingearth.org), which provides materials to educate and empower children, parents, and instructors about ways to protect the Earth and children’s environmental health, is Clint’s legacy.”From HEALTHY CHILD HEALTHY WORLD. Reprinted by arrangement with Plume, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Copyright (c) 2009 by Healthy Child Healthy World.To read more from Tessa and many others, pick up your copy of our book, Healthy Child Healthy World: Creating a Cleaner, Greener, Safer Home, today.
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