Daddy & Company
Daddy’s Health & Skincare features products made exclusively for parents and children. Containing only the finest ingredients, each product is designed to be as natural as possible while still being effective. Daddy’s Health & Skin Care by Daddy & Company is the first brand to offer health and skin care products specifically for dads (although moms love the products, too!). Developed by a pharmacist and daddy of seven, each product is carefully formulated to be eco-friendly, free of harmful chemicals, and most importantly, safe for you and your children.
- All Natural Baby Lotion
- All Natural Baby Bubble Bath
- All Natural Baby Shampoo & Body Wash
- USDA Organic Baby Powder
Daddy’s Health & Skin Care is committed to providing you safe and effective products for you and your children that you can feel great about! Daddy & Company believes your children are our future, and we want them to grow up in a healthy world.
+ Sources
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