Bill Benjamin
Strategic Partnerships Director
As Strategic Partnerships Director at Healthy Child, Bill Benjamin is a “packager” of business assets and an evangelist for Healthy Child’s programs, connecting with like-minded companies who value the additive power of connection when objectives are aligned and brands are compatible.
Bill is a consummate brand-builder, having launched several properties and events in the entertainment and media industries. At Universal Studios, Benjamin launched “Holiday Wonderland” supported by partners including Macy’s and the “Giving Tree” cause marketing program. Additional successes include growing the Los Angeles Times “Festival of Books” into a world-class event, attracting over 140,000 guests per year and raising the broad appeal of this literary festival to brands including Toyota and Sprint.
A recent father to son Tate, Benjamin sees the importance of raising children in a healthy, non-toxic environment. He holds a BA from Brown University and an MBA from UCLA, and loves to garden, bike and develop his yoga practice.
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